Before answering this question, We would like to know – Do you know you can estimate your property’s worth online? If ‘No’ is your answer then this will surely amaze you.
Yes, there are various property valuation tools present in the online world which assist you to get the property value. Most of them are free of cost. You need not pay any fee for using the online property valuation. Then this free type of property valuation is meaningful or not? Can you rely on such property valuation tools? Could it be possible to estimate the accurate property value via online property valuation tool?
This something tough to say that the online valuation tools gives completely right or wrong results.
How to get the property valuation result online
You have to give the information of the property like pincode, address, building type, condition, age,and some more questions related to the property which can help you to get the accurate estimated value of the property.
Why to use the online property valuation tools –
The most tempting reason to use the online property valuation tool is free of cost available. One of the easiest ways to calculate the property value and easily accessible too. It does not require much time, as it is quick in nature. In the initial stages of the property valuation, you can use online tools to get the idea, about the property’s value.
Whether you want to sell or buy the house, or you want to just want to know the right value of your property. Online valuation can be option for you to get the idea of the property’s value. Else it is not at all advisable to go for online valuation option only.
What you can do –
At first, you can go online and find some free property valuation tools and check the value of your property there. At least you will get an idea about property value. Then hire a registered property valuer and get the valuation done for your property.
We cannot rely on the online property valuation tool because the obvious reason is it doesn’t includes all the parameters before evaluating the property’s worth. The limitation of the online tool can not be ignored. So it is vital to know the opinion of the property valuer before selling or buying a property.
Why property valuers? Why not online valuation tool?
Though we are living in the techno world and growing everyday. But still there is no replacement of the human brain. One cannot ignore the capabilities and knowledge of the human beings. That’s why the online valuation tools cannot replace the property valuers.
Property and land valuers are the reliable one, they observe the properties minutely and then consider various factors like comparison of the property with alike one, consider the current market conditions, amenities associated with the properties, geographical location of the building, building type and more. And after all the study they find the estimate value by analytical skills and experience.
All these factors are not taken in consideration when evaluating the property value by online property tool.